Monday 6 April 2009

Things done so far...

I have finally learnt how to change a plug.YAY!!

About time seen as I am 37 after all,my lovely boyfriend Flea had to demonstrate and name the wires before I even got the screwdriver in my hand.It took me about 10 minutes and I only lost one screw,so overall it was a good experience as now I feel I could do it by myself instead of relying on others to do it for me.

I have obviously made a blogg to track my progress.

Still not sure how things work on it but by the time I finish my 1001 days I`ll be a professional blogger.

Two down,only ninety nine left!

I have started some more things which will be on going till the end of this challenge,but I`m only going to list them where my 101 list is instead of individual postings when I start or complete things. Would never be off the t`internet otherwise cos I do like to rabbit on and on and on and on.